The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is a government agency that aims to promote and develop technical education and vocational training to enhance the skills and knowledge of Filipino workers. One of the initiatives of TESDA is the creation of Provincial Training Centers (PTCs) to provide access to training and skills development programs in various provinces across the country.

    The creation of PTCs is an important step towards achieving the goals of TESDA, as it provides accessible and affordable training programs to Filipinos in different parts of the country. The establishment of PTCs also helps to address the skills mismatch in the labor market by providing relevant training and skills development programs that are aligned with the needs of the industry.

    In the creation of PTC, TESDA usually identifies a suitable location within a province where the center can be established. The location is accessible and strategic, with adequate space and facilities for training and skills development activities. Thus, Surallah has been identified, and was established/ created after determining the viability of establishing a training center in the area.

    The creation includes an assessment of the labor market demand for specific skills and the availability of trainers and training resources in the area. Based on the results, TESDA then develops a training plan and program customized to the needs of the local community.

    TESDA also works with local government units, private sector partners, and other stakeholders to provide the necessary resources and support for the establishment and operation of the PTC. These resources include training equipment, materials, and facilities, as well as funding for training programs and activities.

    Overall, the creation of Provincial Training Centers by TESDA is a significant step towards achieving its mission of promoting and developing technical education and vocational training in the Philippines. By providing accessible and relevant training programs, the PTCs help to address the skills mismatch in the labor market, improve the employability of Filipinos, and contribute to the economic development of the country.

    The Creation of PTC Surallah

    In line with the directives of Secretary Isidro S. Lapeña, TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) embarked on a series of National Directorate Conferences to establish Provincial Training Centers (PTCs) in provinces that lacked such facilities. This initiative aimed to fulfill the vision of TESDA Abot Lahat and comply with RA 7796 (TESDA Act 1994), which emphasized the provision of relevant, accessible, high-quality, and efficient technical education and skills development. By offering continuous and effective training opportunities to communities, TESDA sought to accommodate a broader range of individuals from different localities. Consequently, the Provincial Training Centers were established.

    On July 31, 2019, Memo No. 322, s2019 was issued, which created Provisional Training Teams (PTTs) and directed all Regional Directors (RDs) to form these teams by assigning at least one Senior TESDA Specialist (TESDS) as the team leader. The purpose of the PTTs was to provide TESD (Technical Education and Skills Development) services in their respective Provincial Offices (POs). The deadline for this directive was August 7, 2019.

    Following this, on September 13, 2019, TO No. 644, s2019 was issued, designating PTTs for provinces that did not have Provincial Training Centers.

    The flow of events related to the establishment of the PTC in Surallah, South Cotabato is as follows:

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Available courses



The course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes and skills of a PV Systems installation technician in accordance with industry standards. It covers core competencies such as: perform site assessment, check PV components and materials’ compliance, install and commission PV systems and prepare documentation requirements for PV systems installation. 


It also includes competencies in workplace communication; work in a team environment, practice career professionalism, practice occupational health and safety, prepare construction materials and tools, perform mensuration and calculation, maintain tools and equipment, observe procedures, specifications and manuals of instructions and interpret technical drawings and plans.


To obtain these, all units prescribed for this qualification must be achieved:







This section specifies the qualifications of trainees and educational experience.  Other requirements like health and physical requirements are also stated.  Passing entry written examinations may also be indicated if necessary. 


To qualify as trainee for PV Systems Installation Technician NC II, a candidate must possess the following:


  • Can communicate both orally and in written
  • Physically and mentally fit to undergo training
  • At least 18 years old